
Training materials for “Train the trainer’’workshops on long distance transport of farm animals by land

Based on the successful experience of the OIE Improved Animal Welfare Programme initially prepared for Asia and the Middle East on slaughter, the OIE Platform has developed in 1st semester 2016 a similar methodology as well as training materials for Training-the-Trainers Workshops on long distance transport by land for selected countries of Europe. 

The training/learning materials comprise nine MS PowerPoint presentations with audio-visual materials and accompanying Technical Notes. The Technical Notes document covers presentation topics in more detail providing a framework of knowledge comprising relevant standards and science.

Training materials cover the welfare of the animals mostly in relation to long distance transport, but also could be applied for short distance transport. The materials address the welfare of cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and poultry during transport with focus on animals transported for slaughter.

OIE Platform on Animal Welfare in Europe wish to thank World Animal Protection, Humane Slaughter Association and Animal-i Ltd for sharing materials used in Technical Notes document and training presentations.