
Les dernières enquêtes* dénombrent sur le territoire français plus de 7,5millions dechiens et pas moins de 10,9 millions de chats ! Près d’un foyer sur deux possède au moinsun animal de compagnie :
ICAM The International Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAM Coalition) ismade up of representatives from the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA),
Almost every country invests in dog population management (DPM) in some form; howeverthere is no agreed measure to establish whether an intervention is successful. Through thisguidance document, the International Companion Animal Management (ICAM) Coalitionaims to provide encouragement and advice on impact assessment of DPM.
This introduction, which is not part of the Code, tells you about the Code and provides advice onowning a dog. Owning and caring for a dog can be a source of great enjoyment, but you should be aware that dog ownership is a major responsibility.
Il fournit des conseils pratiques et pédagogiques,apporte des informations sur les caractéristiques etles besoins de l’animal ainsi que sur les droits et lesdevoirs inhérents à son acquisition. Il rappelle les règlesde bon sens et les lois en vigueur