
Event Archived

Year 2015
Fourth meeting of the Steering Group (SG4)
TEST-2nd ICAM[1] International Conference on dog population management
[1] ICAM is a coalition of 6 NGOs whose objective is to support the development and use of humane and effective companion animal population management worldwide.
First ToT Workshop on Transport and Slaughter for Russian speaking countries  (Session 3)
OIE 83rd General Session  
FVE seminar on ‘Stray dogs: present and future’
Regional TAIEX Workshop on standards for control of stray dog population
First Workshop for stray dog population management in West Eurasia (SDWE1)
OIE regional Seminar for National Focal Points in charge of Animal Welfare
Fifth meeting of the Steering Group (SG5) 
First ToT Workshop on Transport and Slaughter for Russian speaking countries   (session 1)