
First OIE Regional Workshop on (national strategy) Stray Dog population management for Balkan countries (SDB1) Bucharest, Romania - June 17-19, 2014

Ten Balkans countries agreed on a sub-regional Vision ‘to become fully compliant with OIE standard on stray dog population control by 2025’, thereby implying that the stray dog population is reduced to an acceptable level and the risk of transmission of rabies and other zoonoses to humans through stray dogs is mitigated. 

To achieve this Vision, the countries committed to develop National Roadmaps and monitor their situation on a regular basis, using the OIE monitoring and evaluation tool specifically developed for this purpose, based on the provisions of the Chapter 7.7. of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code. These are the key outputs of the First OIE Regional Workshop on stray dog population management for Balkan countries (SDB1) held in Bucharest, Romania on June 17-19 2014, within the framework of the OIE Platform for Animal Welfare in Europe.


The Workshop objectives: 

- Remind the provisions of the OIE Chapter 7.7 on stray dog population control
- Review National Control strategies on stray dog population and establish the baseline situation (in terms of compliance with OIE standard) in Balkan countries
- Identify the key weaknesses/constraints/challenges in implementation of the OIE standards
- Share best practices of sustainable management of stray dogs in the region
- Exchange on a common vision at Sub-Regional level to address the problem with the stray dog population control including its rabies component, with the perspective of a Roadmap to achieve the vision.

The OIE deeply thanks the European Commission, Germany and Romania — in particular the OIE Delegate of Romania Dr Cristian Duicu — for their significant financial and/or technical support, which were determinant to the success of this event.

Final report of the Workshop (...)

Workshop Agenda (...)

Presentations from the Workshop

Day 1 (17 June 2014)

Session 1 — Setting the scene session

09:15 - OIE achievements on Animal Welfare                                             Dr Tomasz Grudnik (OIE HQs)
09:35 - OIE Platform for Animal Welfare in Europe                                      Dr Stanislav Ralchev (OIE SRR Brussels)
09:55 - OIE Animal Welfare standards on stray dog population control      Dr Tomasz Grudnik (OIE HQs)

Session 2 — Country reports

10:45 - Overview of the Workshop Methodology                                         Dr Stanislav Ralchev (OIE SRR Brussels) 
11:00 - In-depth presentation of the M&E tool                                            Dr Shanis Barnard (IZSAM / Teramo)

13:00 - Countries presentation 
                             Bosnia and Herzegovina 
                             Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 

Session 3 — Identification of key challenges

16.30 -  Working Group Session - Identification of key challenges

Day 2 (18 June 2014)

Session 4 — Adressing the Challenges

9:00 – Topic 1 — Designing a modern legislation on Stray Dogs
                            - General presentation of Topic 1 (based on Chapter 7.7)     Dr Stanislav Ralchev (OIE – SRR Brussels) 
                            - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                   Dr Ilie Maximilian Dragan (Romania)

10:40 – Topic 2 — Identifying the source and monitoring Stray dog population
                           - General presentation of Topic 2                                             Dr Alexandra Hammond-Seaman (RSPCA) 
                           - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                     Dr Mitja Sedlbauer (Slovenia)

13:30 – Topic 3 — Improving the level of coordination at national level (with a focus on the relation Central VS – Municipalities)
                           - General presentation of Topic 3                                             Dr Laurianne Tavernier (France) 
                           - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                     Dr Petja Ivanova (Bulgaria)

15:30 - Topic 4 — Raising public awareness on Stray Dogs (and related rabies issue)
                           - General presentation of Topic 4                                             Dr Alexandra Hammond-Seaman (RSPCA)
                           - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                     Dr Budimir Plavsic (Serbia)

16:10 – Topic 5 – Communicating VS activities on stray dogs to the general public
                           - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                      Dr Branka Buković Šošić (Croatia)
                           - Sharing of best practices (Country experience)                      Dr Sylvia Heesen (Germany)

Session 5—Building a Vision towards sustainable stray dog control in the Balkans

9:00 – Summary - Developing a comprehensive Stray Dog population

control Strategy (in compliance with OIE standards)                                            Dr. Alexandra Hammond-Seaman (RSPCA)

9:30 – Working Group Session – exchange on  a common vision at Sub-Regional level